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Windows PC Apps

Pinterest for Android 11.8.0 Download

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  • Pin images from around the web
  • Explore pins and boards you’re interested in
  • Get inspiration from DIY, Travel, Food and other categories
  • Pin with your camer

What’s New

Every week we polish up the Pinterest app to make it faster and better than ever. Plan projects, swap ideas, share your best discoveries: now you can send messages to friends!

  • Find what you’re looking for and make a few discoveries along the way with our new Guided Search.
  • You can now send your favorite boards to your friends for gift giving inspiration.
  • Map the things you love, near and far: now you can add a map to any of your boards.
  • Pin around the world: now available in more languages!
  • New context menu lets you pin, like and share more quickly
  • Article pins will include the headline, author, story description and link
  • Create a Pin from your favorite browser or app
  • Invite friends to Pinterest by text or email
  • Invite, accept or block people from your group boards
  • Find out when you’ve already pinned something
  • Edit pins and move them to different boards
  • Update your profile
  • Delete comments
  • More fixes and enhancements based on your feedback

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