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Mozilla Firefox 112.0 Beta 3 Download

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Mozilla has switched Firefox to a rapid release development cycle which means new versions will come more frequently. The non-profit organization has promised to push out a new stable build every six weeks.

The latest Mozilla Firefox Beta is now available for testing on Windows, Mac, Linux and Android. This Beta includes performance enhancements that improve the browsing experience for users and enable developers to create faster web apps and websites.

What’s New

Firefox Beta gets updated several times per week and as a consequence, the release notes for the Beta channel are updated continuously to reflect features that have reached sufficient maturity to benefit from community feedback and bug reports.

In addition to these release notes, you can follow ongoing development on our @FirefoxBeta Twitter account.


  • Firefox now supports the new AVIF image format, which is based on the modern and royalty free AV1 video codec. It offers significant bandwidth savings for sites compared to existing image formats. Additionally it supports transparency and other advanced features.
  • Firefox PDF viewer now supports filling more forms (XFA-based forms, used by multiple governments and banks).
  • Mac users can now access the MacOS share options from the Firefox File menu.
  • Support for images containing ICC v4 profiles is enabled on macOS.


  • The bookmark toolbar menus now follow Firefox visual styles.
  • Certificate error pages have been redesigned for a better user experience.

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