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Windows PC Apps

Horodruin – synchronize multiple folders


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This is a great free folder sync app. It’s easy to figure out and could see this being one of those software that end up on most peoples’ computers. The only thing that stops me from using this and giving it a 5 is the copy time. It seems much slower than most when first syncing a folder to another drive. Even when a folder is synced already, it’s still a bit on the slow side compared to others. It still does the job however. With the interface, ease of use, price, you still can’t beat it. I still recommend it but wish the copy times were faster.

Review details

The software developer responded to this review on Oct 30, 2008:
v2.3.241.0 should somewhat faster. 😉

I can sync my home network of 6 computers. I have the same folder on each computer. Add that folder to Horodruin for each computer. Horodruin compares all files in 6 folders, figures out which files are the newest, updates all folders. Awesome! Thank you Stefano!

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