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Windows PC Apps

AVG Anti-Virus Update March 18, 2023 Download

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Basic antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free thanks to AVG Anti-Virus. Limited features, no support, for private and non-commercial use only.


  • The most downloaded software on CNET’s
  • Quality proven by 70 millions of users
  • Easy to download, install and use
  • Protection against viruses and spyware
  • Compatible with Windows Vista and Windows XP

How to install this update:

  1. Create a folder named AVG Update.
  2. Copy the update file you downloaded here to that folder.
  3. Open the AVG Antivirus.
  4. Click on “Tools”.
  5. Select the option “Update from directory”.
  6. Browse to the “AVG Update” folder location and Select that folder and click on OK.
  7. At the left side, you can find its indication “Updating”.

What’s New

  • Added detectEnter your state hereion of new variant of I-Worm/Stration, new variants of trojans IRC/BackDoor.SdBot, Downloader.Tibs.
  • Added detection of new variant of Worm/Feebs, I-Worm/Mytob, new variant of trojan Downloader.Zlob.

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